Next New

A new type of "New Media" in my opinion would be a food truck. I know food trucks exist already but the one I have in mind is quite different. There should be a "Foodie" app that details the food and the location of the food truck during time of service. I would want this food truck service to be only for dinner or at night time. The service will operate from 8 PM to midnight. This will only work through the app and there will be multiple trucks with different cuisines. The neighbors vote on what they want to eat near their location on what day. The one with the most vote will show up at that day and park near that neighborhood. The people of that location won't have to order out to eat and can simply order on the app and have their food delivered instantaneously. If they are super close to the food truck, they can also just pick up the food. There will be new cuisine choices weekly and this service is only limited to weekends when people tend to be home. The food will be hot and ready and there is no wait time. I think this can be part of the future new media because food is such an essential part of our life and in the future I can only imagine us getting more and more busy and having less time to make food or to wait for food to be delivered. Also, this Foodie app is not going to serve food like fast food chains, but rather healthier and newer cuisine options. The app will be very efficient and to order, everyone uses the app. To make the process of making the food extremely fast, artificial intelligence will be used.  


  1. This is a really interesting idea, I have noticed food rating apps have been growing on the IOS app store.

  2. Hi Mahmuda! This is a very interesting idea for the new media. You have thought about a new way to make people's life easier and feasible. The idea of voting is quiet smart. The food option for everyday will change based on their own favor. Just one question, since this is a neighbourhood based, what if majority of them have similar preferences in most of the days. Will the food truck lose its customers if whom doesn't like the "most voted" food.


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