File sharing can be private or public sharing of data or space in a network with various levels of access. Some examples of file sharing are Airdrop, google drive, dropbox, and Apple iCloud. Remember back in the days using LimeWire to download songs that you had to otherwise pay for? That is also file sharing! P2P or Peer to Peer file sharing is sharing digital media between two or more people using P2P networking technology. P2P file sharing allows users access to media files such as movies, games, music, and books. You don’t need fancy or expensive software programs for P2P file sharing and it is very convenient and fast. In the article “Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other” by Wendy Kaufman, one example of P2P is being discussed. Google teamed up and invested $125 million with Lending Club, which “gets borrowers and lenders together outside the conventional banking system.” People who needed a loan but didn’t want to pay high interest rates turned to Lending Club, which offered a much lower rate. They get lower rates because peer to peer lending operates like a marketplace. It is more direct and everything takes place through technology and the Internet to lower cost. I think P2P is beneficial for everyone, as long as it is convenient and legal.


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