Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Today the Virtual reality (VR) technology is applied to fields of medicine, engineering, education, design, training, and entertainment. VR is a computer interfaces which tries to mimic real world beyond the flat monitor to give an immersive 3D visual experiences. The third dimension helps bring depth to objects (bring it to life unlike 2D).

In the NY Times, the article, "No Budget, No Boundaries: It's the Real You," sheds light on the idea of living your life lavishly on Second Life. You create your own avatar and you are free to splurge on yourself as you wouldn't in real life. You can buy land, houses and go on lavish vacations and do everything that you can't afford to do in real life. “Nor is that avatar bound by other real-life constraints. In the real world, we may not be invited to a party at the embassy, but our avatar will,” Dr. Spangenberg said. You can live your “dream” life on VR.

The article, "The Virtual World Moves into the Classroom" by Joe Earle explains how some schools and teachers are implementing virtual reality into their class plan. Instead of going to a museum or on an expensive trip to another country, the students can experience and see so much from VR. It is enriching to their learning and the students enjoy it and have a deeper understanding. One teacher said "They’re taking virtual field trips to faraway places, learning about the lives of refugee families or studying the inner workings of volcanoes." At the same time, using VR in the classroom can help reclaim a technology more often associated with entertainment than education.

Like everything else in media, VR has its pros and cons. Some pros are experiencing things you would have never imagined, communication with people beyond your circle, and learning. Some cons would be that it can be addictive to the point where the user forgets about real life, high cost, and or feeling of loneliness/worthlessness compared to real life. It can never replace real life. VR does foster creativity because you are not limited to just your imagination; you can go beyond it. You also have all the supply and tools you need to look how you want or do what you want. You don’t need to worry about financial burdens. I think VR has a bright future because it can be used in so many ways to experience new things. It can be used for new scientific research and educational purposes that will benefit us in so many ways. One thing that really stood out to me is the Youtube video Second Life on Second Life.”A disabled woman is able to use second life to do what she can’t in real life. Since she’s handicapped, she can’t go out and socialize or work. So, she works from home and to socialize, she uses second life to interact with others and do activities like dancing, swimming, and going places. It is much more than a game to people like her. In addition, a person with severe social anxiety disorder gained skills from second life and implemented them in actual life and found a job. This is such an extraordinary use of VR and I hope VR becomes more affordable so more people like them can benefit from it.


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