Blog About Twitter

Twitter discussions differ in many aspects when compared to BlackBoard or in-class discussions. First of all, Twitter discussions take place through tweets that are limited to 280 characters. With that being said, you are extremely limited so you must choose your wordings carefully. You can also use hashtags to see what others relevant to the same topic in hand said about it. Normally, Twitter discussions aren't usually used for classroom discussions. Twitter discussions revolve around what's new in the media and around celebrities or politics for example. There is no filter, so you are free to say or use whatever formal/informal language you would like. On the other hand, BlackBoard discussions and in-class discussions are used for educational purposes. What you say on BlackBoard is seen by your professor and classmates, so you must talk in respect to them and be formal and thoughtful. The same goes for in-class discussions as well. Unlike Twitter discussions, you are not limited to how many characters you use. You can make it as long or short as you want. In-class discussions have the most freedom. Unlike Twitter and Blackboard, you are not typing your thoughts and opinions, but rather engaging in oral communication. You are present in a class and are surrounded by the people, whereas the other two discussions you can be anywhere as long as you have access to those sites. In-class discussions are flexible and you are not limited to size or characters. You can have a real time conversation or argument and get immediate feedback and thoughts unlike Twitter or Blackboard. In-class discussions are more dynamic and can focus and extend the conversation beyond what's being asked. All three methods of discussions are useful and helpful. Sometimes there are people such as myself who can write better than speak in a discussion, so personally Twitter and Blackboard discussions would be in my favor. In addition, if some students are too shy/nervous to speak in a class discussion, they can thrive in online discussions. Also, if some students can't make it to class or are sick, then online discussions would benefit them the most. 


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